* GradeAvg2.java
* An application that averages 5 grades
* Julian Webb
* ICTP12
* 03/11/11
* I know that I am not suppose to know how to use while yet but the repetition was killing me
* and it is like all the other while()s I have used before.
import java.util.Scanner; //use package that lets us collect data from user
import java.text.NumberFormat; //use package that lest us change formating of numbers
* The GradeAvg2 class gets 5 grades and displays the average
public class GradeAvg2 { //start class definition
public static void main(String[] args) {
double grade = 0; //Collected grades (set to 0)
int num = 0; //Num of collected grades (set to 0)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); //Object that collects user's input
NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
System.out.println("Please enter 5 grades."); //Ask User for 5 grades
while (num < 5) { //do this while var num is less than 5
System.out.print("#"+(num+1)+": "); //Ask for grade
grade += input.nextDouble(); //Add grade to others
num++; //add 1 to var num
} //end while
System.out.println("Grade Average: " + percent.format(grade / 5)); //Display Average Grade
} //end main
} //end class definition